What is cosmetic tattooing? It is a semi permanent tattoo done on the face. It is a semi permanent tattoo that lasts between one to three years depending on your lifestyle and skin type. After one to three years we recommend touch ups and colour boost appointments to keep your tattoo colour and shape fresh.

Semi permanent tattooing is different to normal body tattoos that are permanent, because unlike body tattoos we do not want to place the pigment to deep as it can cause unwanted scarring and discolouration as the tattoo fades. You have probably seen this when you see brows that have turned red, green or blue over time. Cosmetic tattooing has evolved over the years and for the better. We want the cosmetic tattooing to slowly fade over time, and still look flattering even if you have not had a touch up session. 


There are different styles and types to pick from. We try and pick a style that suits you best and best suits your skin type also. Here at Cara J Beauty we offer Ombre Powder Brows or Combination Brows 




During our consultation we can discuss what look, style, shape and colour you are after and what suits you best. We customise the best colour to suit your skin tone, natural hair colour, shape and size that would fit your face perfectly. We do this by creating a brow mapping that fit the structure of your face but also endeavour to pick a shape and style that you most feel comfortable with.  We customise the brows just for you. Everything we do is checked by you before we move onto the tattooing procedure.